Saturday, February 7, 2009

Can a yes be a no and a no be yes?

This is a unique feature of Asian (and particularly Indian) that what is communicated may not necessarily be what is meant. This becomes even more complicated when combined with the expressions and body movement.

I have been utterly confused at times when the answer is yes but the head movement is from shoulder to shoulder which to my understanding depicts a no.

Is it because of subconscious disagreement or is there another issue that is linked to more social issues?

In any case, yes or no is also a function of the context of discussion. As is an old adage in Sanskrit मौन स्वीकृति लक्षणं (silence is an indicator of agreement). Is it a universally acceptable practice?

Psychologists, NLP specialists, please decipher for my benefit!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The First Hand Experiences

Just thought of jotting down first hand experiences with various service/goods providers. Big and small, retail and wholesale, customised or mass produced, shops or companies.......

Others are welcome to post their own experiences.